Deciding what Moms really want for Mother’s Day can be a tricky job. Flowers? Candy? Gift cards? The ideas are endless. We did a bit of research and here is what we found out in order to make your shopping a breeze.
A Clean House
Yes, according to
Parenting.com, what mother would love nothing more is to have someone else clean that master toilet. If it’s too late to hire a professional, we are pretty sure she’d let dad and the kids take over the chores.
Peace and Quiet for Mom
More than one article stated that the woman who gave you life, would truly enjoy a few moments of rest. Yes, peace and quiet and maybe even sleep!
Sentimental Gifts
Cards, family time and even that
macaroni necklace truly make mom smile! So if the budget is tight, why not call her and make a plan for Sunday. Atlanta certainly offers a variety of great
outdoor activities. Might we recommend a hike up
Kennesaw Mountain or a walk on the
Atlanta BeltLine?
What She Wants … Summed Up in Tweets
Huffington Post posted tweets from moms stating what they really want. A few of our favorites:
All I want for Mother’s Day is to not have to keep anyone or anything else alive. Another plant? Yippee. Thanks.
7y.o: “Mom, what do you want for Mother’s Day?” Me: “Sleep.” 7: “Haha, no seriously, Mom; something REAL.” Exactly.
Still stumped?
We have the perfect idea.
Fontis Water delivered right to her front door each month. It’s refreshing, good for her and it will save you from being in the mom dog house if you have not already purchased her a gift. Call us today at 678-494-1981 to sign up for our home delivery service.