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Bottled Water vs Filtered Water vs Tap Water

Water is one of the most essential things to human life. As sixty percent of the human body is made up of water, maintaining hydration is key to a healthy lifestyle. It helps lubricate your joints, regulate your body temperature, and carry oxygen to cells, among many other beneficial things. However, on average, the human body loses 8-12 cups just through daily living, which means they must replenish the loss by drinking a minimum of 8 cups of water a day.

But water is water, right? Whether pulled from the freshest spring or the hose out back, it’s all the same, right? Is bottled water better than tap water? The answer might come as a surprise

Types of Water


Tap is one of the most common sources of water. As the name implies, it’s pulled from the tap. If you go into your kitchen, grab a cup from the cabinet, and turn on the faucet, you have tap water. While it is arguably the cheapest and easiest way to acquire a refreshing drink, it’s also the riskiest.

Water from the tap is subject to far more contaminants than other forms. While the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates this, the quality and taste can vary between locations. Even when it is treated, many harmful contaminants still slip through because they are below the legal limit. While these contaminants are legal, that does not mean they are free of harm. Moreover, sewage spills can also potentially cause contamination after it has been treated at a water treatment plant.

Some concerning contaminants that have been found in Atlanta Tap Water:

  • Haloacetic Acids (HAA5 & HAA9)
  • Dichloracetic acid
  • Total Trihalomethanes
  • Trichloroacetic Acid
  • Chromium (Hexavalent)
  • Nitrates & Nitrites


Filtered water is tap that uses a filtration system (usually a physical barrier, though in some cases, it may use a chemical or biological process) to remove physical contaminants. This method ensures that the water is treated at home, eliminating many contaminants that may have been introduced after its treatment at the plant. It also improves its taste by removing chemicals that give a bitter or sulphuric taste, such as chlorine, lead, bacteria, or chloramine.


Bottled has been filtered and tested to ensure maximum purity before it is bottled. Due to the fact that it is in bottles is delivered directly, this is one of the purest forms of water you can get, as there is almost no chance of contamination between processing and delivery to your home. It is also one of the most convenient forms of supply, as it can come in many different bottling methods, from easily portable 8 oz. bottles to 5-gallon jugs perfect for storing in the event of a bad storm.

It is unique in comparison to tap or filtered as due to the variation in filtration methods and locations it is sourced from, the taste can significantly vary. Some examples of different types include spring, distilled, and purified.


Spring is taken from an underground aquifer and purified by natural means, such as limestone. Once it is collected, it is tested to ensure it meets the safety standards of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Many believe this is some of the cleanest water available, as it does not need to be chemically treated and is purified through natural filtration. Due to the method of filtration, it still retains the minerals of the natural spring.


Distilled is purified by collecting steam from boiled water and allowing it to cool down. This process removes contaminants and minerals and strips the liquid of any potential “impurities,” including those that might be beneficial. As such, some people find this taste “bland” compared to the flavor of others, as removing any impurities removes anything that could provide flavor. 


Purified is similar to filtered as it’s produced through reverse osmosis and ozonization. Reverse osmosis is a process in which the liquid is forced through a membrane to remove impurities such as chemicals and minerals; ozonization disinfects water by using ozone rather than chemically treating it.

The Fontis Difference

Finding a company that promises a quality product can be difficult. When it comes to bottled vs tap, many popular brands of bottled water are nothing more than municipal filtered tap water. However, when you trust Fontis, we promise only the best quality product delivered from the most pure natural mountain springs in North Georgia.


Fontis Water pulls our natural spring water from the wilderness of the Blue Ridge Mountains. This source is untainted by industry and agriculture, protecting it from runoff contamination that could spoil the spring held deep within. 

Rain falls upon the Blue Ridge mountains, slowly seeping through dense, solid granite rocks that filter out contaminants. This means the water pulled from the deep-rock spring is pure and great tasting.

Water Quality

Fontis carefully monitors the purity of our sources. We also analyze our spring water annually to ensure that it meets our quality standards, which are in full compliance with the FDA and IBWA (International Bottled Water Association) regulations and even exceed these standards in our pursuit of quality. For those seeking more information, please read more here.

From the Blue Ridge to You

As the premiere beverage water service in Atlanta, Fontis Water promises quality and extraordinary customer service with every bottle. Whether you need it delivered to your home or office, we make it easy for you to have the best-tasting water in North Georgia. Within the first phone call, we’ll help determine the size and quantity that suits your needs and work to find the most convenient delivery for your schedule.

Our 100% pure spring water is delivered to homes and offices throughout metro Atlanta. Our mission is to deliver the best, most preferred natural mountain spring water with unmatched customer service and genuine enthusiasm. It’s been a family tradition since 1980.

But we don’t stop there! Fontis Water also offers water filtration systems for use with coffee brewers, refrigerators, and icemakers. 

 Are you ready to take advantage of Fontis’ many benefits? Contact us today, and let’s get started!