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Tips to Keep You Hydrated this Summer
Staying hydrated this summer is super important as we enter the warmest months of the year. We at Fontis Water know the importance of this fact, and even know a few tips to help keep you hydrated.
First, drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning. Not only is this a tip for staying hydrated, but it is also a great way to start your metabolism for the day. It can give you a sense of being full, and it’s just what your body needs in the morning. If water is hard for you to drink in the morning, considering adding a lemon to your glass.
Second, keep a bottle of water with you at all times. By keeping a water bottle on your desk, in your purse or even in your car, you are going to remember to drink more water. Still think you might forget to drink enough water? Why not set an alarm on your phone to remind you it’s time to drink more water!
Third, try eating fruits and vegetables high in water content. Some great examples include watermelon, cucumbers and citrus fruits.
And the most important tip we can provide you is to drink more Fontis Water to stay hydrated this summer. Fontis Water can be delivered to your home or office, making it extremely easy to drink enough water each and every day. We deliver gallon bottles as well as half liters. And did you know we also can create private labels for your company? Call us today to set up your service at 678-494-1981.